عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 22-03-2010, 01:50 PM
المشاركة 32
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N.F.L. Picks New Chairmen for Panel on Concussions
The N.F.L. further distanced itself from its tumultuous past regarding concussions on Tuesday by selecting two new co-chairmen for a renamed policy committee and accepting the resignation of one of that group’s most prominent members. nba jerseysThe decision was the latest of several moves by the league concerning its head-injury rules since an embarrassing hearing before the House Judiciary Committee in October that capped three years of mounting controversy. Dr. H. Hunt Batjer,cheap jerseys the chairman of neurological surgery at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Evanston, Ill., and Dr. Richard G. Ellenbogen, the chief of neurological surgery at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, were chosen by Commissioner Roger Goodell to lead what has been rechristened the N.F.L. head, neck and spine medical committee. It had been called the mild traumatic brain injury committee — named after the common scientific term for concussion — since its founding in 1994. In addition to the official announcementnfl 2010, the league spokesman Greg Aiello confirmed that Dr. Elliot Pellman, the committee’s sole chairman until he resigned that position in 2007 while remaining a forceful member of the panel, would no longer be a member of the group. Pellman, also the Jets’ team physician, had treated players for concussions and authored policies on the injury in ways that were strongly criticized by outside experts.