الموضوع: Simple Survey
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قديم 10-02-2011, 08:42 AM
المشاركة 10
& نهرُ الأملـ &
عضو يفوق الوصف
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رد: Simple Survey
First of all Thanks honey 4 giving this section ur time
I'm glad 2 c some1 who care's about English
Amm, I'll answer In English

1- هـل تحب اللغة الإنجليزية ؟
Yap, in fact I study English

2- هل أنت مقتنع أنها لغة يجب أن نتعلمها ونتقنها ؟
Of course.. It's the most populer & importent language in the whole world !
Beside that .. It's our daily need language

3- هل ترغب حقا في تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية؟
ammm, yes of course .. but not as a Life study
I can't say that it's too easy 2 go head with Amairecan studies

4- في أي صف دراسي بدأت دراسة اللغة الإنجليزية؟
in the 3rd class .. But It wasn't called real study .. it was kg in school <<

5- هل تصادفك مواقف تجبر أن تتحدث فيها باللغة الإنجليزية؟
oooh lot's of time and where ever I go ..
and 4 example If u need 2 order some food from ur favorite resturant
u have 2 know English.. 2 communicate with them ,,
not just that .. we know that our Arab countries are full from indians ..
So we really need 2 learn english

6- هل تحتاج الدخول لبعض المواقع باللغة الإنجليزية؟ اذكرها ( اختياري )
amm, yes I do .. but i don't save them at my mind ..
it just like i take what i need.. 4 my presintations or what ever & that's all
.. but i still remember 1 site .. EnglishTown .. It's amaizing site..
It would help those who want prove there English

7- هل حاولت تطوير نفسك بأخذ دورات في اللغة الإنجليزية؟
ammm yes, 3 years ago.. I went 2 " speaking English " classes
it was injoyble..I learned alot from it .. I'd advise u my 2 join it

8- برأيك .. أين تكمن الصعوبة في تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية؟
ammm , English is not hard 2 learn .. but So hard 2 give an exame ..
in something u can't study !!
amm I think most of peaple are stacked in vocablary & speaking
but u know what, if they tried 2 use English regularly ..
They'll be 100 % succssed in learning english

9- هل تعتبر اللغة الإنجليزية متطلب أساسي في حياتك ، عملك ، دراستك ؟
أم تعتبرها شيء ثانوي متى ما سنحت الفرصة ستقوم بتعلمها؟
acctully I have no choice 2 think English is my study << دشيتهَ وابتَلَشتْ فيه

10- بكل صراحة ما هو تقييمك ( كم في المائة) لمستواك في اللغة الإنجليزية ؟
ammm, hhhhh u can't ask the person how match u give ur self
Becouse no 1 gonna say the truth
spacielly if u know that English peaple are given 89 % 4 there English
so where we are from there English
what u think about my English .. I know I'm not that too good ..
But I'm Not bad
common how much u'll give me ? with knowing I didn't use any transelaiter
acctully u can notice that from my spilling .. u'll find some mistakes

I know I'm talkng alot but what can I do I love talking
Anyway thanks again sweety