عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 05-04-2009, 12:55 PM
المشاركة 6
عضو ابدعنا بحروفه
  • غير متواجد
رد: محتاجهـ مساعدهـ

Puting childern in boarding school is great idea
o strongly agree o agree o disagree o strongly disagree

strongly disagree
Do you see that boarding school is better than public school
o Yes o No


Is there any advantags of studying in boarding school? If it is yes what are they
o Yes o No
Is there any disadvantags of studying in boarding school? If it is yes what are they
o Yes o No
---------------of course
----The most negative aspects of the boarding school that they eliminate the presence of family
Do you think that Saudi Arabia will primit bording school someday
o Yes o No

I'm sorry I do not know non-Saudi Anchaouallah not